Thursday, November 28, 2013

7 health benefits derived from eating warm water

Here are seven health benefits of water consumption habits as reported from .

Fixing the digestive process

Warm water is very beneficial for digestive health because the warm water will help to absorb nutrients from the food you eat to the fullest .

Cleanse your body

Warm water will help you to get rid of harmful toxins from the body .

Make you look more beautiful

Because most water cleanse toxins from your body , then it will also have an impact on the beauty of your face . Your face will look more beautiful and radiant

Good for your throat

Sometimes consume cold water suddenly will cause pain in your throat . Therefore you can minimize them by taking warm water .

Stimulate bowel movements

Eating warm water especially in the morning turned out to provide many benefits for digestion , especially bowel movement . It is a natural solution , especially for those who suffer from constipation .

Weight control

Eating warm water is often recommended for those who are trying to lose weight . So if you want to lose weight , try to start your day by consuming a glass of warm water every morning .

Can be used to calm the mind

It turns warm water has psychological benefits that you will feel calm and comfortable when drinking it slowly in the morning .

So what are you waiting ? Immediately consume a glass of warm water every morning to improve the quality of your health .

Saturday, November 23, 2013


The following light exercise with maximum results you can do in the midst of work :

- Fast Way
Brisk walking is a cardio workout that is lightweight yet effective to increase the intake of oxygen and blood circulation . By doing this physical activity every day or at least three times a week for 15-30 minutes , naturally , bones , muscles and joints become stronger .

- Jogging
Jogging can strengthen the heart , respiratory launched , burn fat , and make sleep more soundly . For maximum results , do this exercise every day or at least three times a week about 30 minutes to 1 hour .

- Cycling
Cycling regularly can improve the work of the heart and lungs as well as reduce the risk of diabetes . Simply by cycling three times a week for 30 minutes to 1 hour can burn body fat and reduce weight and risk of obesity .

- Swimming
In addition to strengthening the function of the heart and lungs , swimming is a sport that is beneficial for spinal health and reduce the strain on the joints . Swim a short distance though , will involve most of the muscles of the body so it can burn about 25 % of calories in the body .

- Sit ups and push ups
Light activities such as sit- ups and push- ups can improve and maintain muscle mass in certain body parts , such as arms and stomach . Sit ups and push ups every day for 15 minutes can also increase the levels of testosterone in the body . According to the Hormone Foundation , the low levels of testosterone can lead to the risk of osteoporosis .

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Nowadays , many people started looking for his passion and make it as a promising source of livelihood . Many years of being an employee , what can swerved into an entrepreneur ? It could be ! If this is a life choice that you want to run . Try evaluating how prepared your finances in the transition from employee to entrepreneur .

First , you must create a comprehensive business plan . A business plan should answer important questions , such as : What are you selling ? Who is your market share ? How big is the potential market value today and in the future ? What will be the competitive advantage in your business competition ? How do you make a profit ? How much competition there is in this business category ?

Second , after completing a business plan , then you access the funds as a source of working capital . The business plan gives an overview of how much capital you need , whether the need to borrow from the bank , and how your business can pay the working capital debt .

Third , create a monthly budget of a new household . How do you determine how much income per month ? When you work for this business , then set salary every month you take of business . Enter the amount of salary as part of operating expenses . Well , make sure the household expenditure is less than the basic income of the business . Make sure you set aside a budget to cover the company's losses and operational financial obligations .

Fourth , prepare personal finances . One of the biggest fears an office employee -turned- entrepreneur is the risk of not getting regular income . Do not be discouraged if at the initial stages , you do not get the same amount of income as an employee .

Fifth , have a contingency plan as a backup plan if something happens so it does not run smoothly . Consider the following :
- Do you have the option to go back to work full time at your old company ?
- Do you have the option of returning to full - time employment with the new employer ?
- Do you want to try a new business direction ( ie still being an entrepreneur , but in a different industry categories ) ?

Therefore , before starting a business, you are required to have an adequate emergency fund availability . These funds must be deposited in the form of regular savings or deposit at least 12 times the number of monthly expenditures . This fund is used to meet the needs of your routine when your efforts do not provide income . In addition , it is worth considering your options contingency plan .

Do you already have an adequate emergency fund ? Try checking with the help of this calculator .

I personally have experience building financial consulting business after working in a big multinational company for five and a half years . Six months before deciding to stop working , I collect and use the emergency fund half the salary to meet the needs of each month .

Business Finance and Personal Finance

Finance business is different with your personal finances . When you decide to do business , direct finance to businesses with separate finances for personal . Discipline in the books have done since the beginning .

An initial capital investment of your business . Take note of how much investment you have to spend as venture capital . Every business expenses , shall be paid from the income of the business . The same principle works in reverse . Every business income can not be directly used to finance your household budget . Use cash flow to finance business personal purposes is a big mistake .

Do not be Afraid to Start

In the early stages of starting your own business , results of operations sometimes not in line with expectations . Do not back down just because you are afraid of losing a regular income usually enjoyed as an employee . Ideal business always starts with a great plan and supported . However , keep in mind to strengthen the domestic financial foundation before starting a business .

(  greetings success for all  )

Monday, November 11, 2013


 However , if not taken correctly supplements will turn into poison .According to some studies , the supplements help maintain the condition of the body when consumed appropriately . Especially for those who are not getting enough nutrients in the daily diet .Actually , supplements are not absolutely necessary due to the condition of each person's body is different . However , if you still want to take additional supplements , find out the ideal amount of intake per day which required appropriate body weight and daily activities .You need to be careful to avoid reliance on supplements . A number of studies have shown the adverse effects of excessive consumption of supplements .One of the most familiar body supplements in the community is vitamin C. These vitamins are generally safe to eat . However , the usage in high doses can cause diarrhea , abdominal cramps , and nausea .The latest study from Swedish researchers revealed that the consumption of vitamin C supplements at least once every day can raise the risk of kidney stones in men twofold .Not only that , a supplement is actually a chemical that can make the body poisoning and cause organ failure if consumed in excess . Excessive consumption of just causes some nutrients discharged in vain . In fact , if you are in the treatment period , supplement may refuse medications you consume . Risk of other diseases to be quite large .If you want to take supplements , you should be aware . How to know and pay attention to the nutritional content of the food you eat . also use only nutrient in the product list

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blog Optimization For Affiliate Business

Blog Optimization For Affiliate Business

Optimization methods are used to increase affiliate product sales business both offline and online means , so in essence visitor attraction blog as much as possible because the more crowded blog visited the greater the chances of your affiliate product sales business . This is actually no different than the way promote your blog / blog visitors increase , but more focused on product sales business affiliate ( reseller ) so that the results of an online business selling affiliate products is further increased . Here's how to Optimization Blogs To Affiliate Business

1.Optimasi SEO ( familiar with search engine / search engine )
Nearly 70% of Internet users search for something they want through search engines . So familiar with the search engines is the first step to build a blog to improve product sales affiliate business .

2. With Classified Ad
On the Internet a lot of free classified ads scattered , almost certainly every month always popping site / web provider classified ads are new . Take advantage of this .

3.With PPC Advertising
If you have more money and want more quickly increase your affiliate sales of business products , try to register as an advertiser .

4 .. With our Forums
As an alternative you can also join discussion forums diforum - local businesses to offer your affiliate products .

5. Singnature Email
Have you ever received an email from someone or your friend which section footer / bottom of a list of email addresses as names blog / site or phone number ? You can also use this method to set a promotional email .

Maybe you know the many ways , but if you do not do anything , you will not achieve success in Online Business .  clik here


May be useful


juman tara

Friday, November 1, 2013




Market Glory adalah permainan strategi Web Based Online, di mana Anda memiliki kemungkinan untuk mengkonversi mata uang virtual Anda menjadi uang nyata. Permainan browser online yang berasal dari romania ini, tidak memerlukan program lain yang diinstal agar Anda bisa bermain.

Market Glory  adalah salah satu permainan strategi bisnis di mana Anda sangat dihargai untuk kegiatan sehari-hari Anda, sebuah game simulasi, yang menawarkan kemungkinan anda untuk bertarung, bekerja, membuka perusahaan, memulai perang. Ini adalah permainan yang sangat kompleks, semakin lama Anda bermain, semakin banyak pilihan Anda temukan untuk pengembangan Anda sendiri dan tentunya dapat berpengaruh juga dengan negara Anda.
Market Glory merupakan game simulator politik, sosial dan ekonomi militer. mungkin jika Anda familiar dengan game webbased semacam erepublik anda tidak akan terlalu bingung memainkannya, karena memilki genre sama dengan Market Glory. Tetapi kelebihannnya disini Anda dapat mengkonversi mata uang virtual Anda menjadi uang riil di dalam Market Glory. 
Setiap pemain dari masyarakat MarketGlory memiliki kesempatan untuk: bekerja, mendirikan perusahaan, untuk menjalankan pemerintahan, merekomendasikan arahan, mendapatkan jajaran militer dan membangun organisasi mereka sendiri. Jalan menuju sukses dalam MarketGlory dicapai melalui strategi personal oleh masing-masing pemain di masyarakat. Tidak ada batasan waktu, beberapa pemain akan mencapai tujuan lebih cepat daripada yang lain. Hal ini penting untuk hadir di MarketGlory dan mengembangkan sesuatu yang memberi Anda kepuasan dalam game ini. Sukses adalah hasil dari suatu kegiatan yang didasarkan pada tindakan dan ketekunan Anda. Dalam setiap bidang kehidupan, mereka yang tidak menyerah pasti akan mencapai semua tujuan mereka. Oleh karena itu, keberhasilan dalam MarketGlory dapat memberikan penghasilan besar dalam kehidupan nyata, dan kenapa tidak kita bermain untuk menghasilkan suatu kenyataan.
Untuk anda yang ingin bermain anda bisa mendaftar di link referral saya